Welcome to The Cigar Library! We are thrilled to have you explore the collection of over 56,000 cigars. This platform was created out of our passion for cigars and the desire to provide a comprehensive resource for cigar enthusiasts around the world.
Here, you will find detailed information on a vast array of cigars, including their names, descriptions, countries of origin, and ring gauges. Our goal is to offer you a rich and informative experience as you browse through The Cigar Library, helping you discover new favorites and learn more about the cigars you love.
Our goals for this site are centered around accessibility and continuous improvement:
- Basic Access: We are committed to keeping basic access to The Cigar Library free for all users, ensuring that everyone can benefit from The Cigar Library's extensive collection of cigar information.
- API Access: We are considering adding an API to allow for more dynamic and customized access to The Cigar Library database. This feature might be available for a monthly or yearly fee, catering to advanced users and developers.
- Expansion: We aim to expand the site with a variety of cigar-related information, enhancing the overall user experience and providing a richer resource for our community.
- User Contributions:We will shortly be adding the ability for the public to add cigars to the database, allowing our community to grow and diversify The Cigar Library collection.
Thank you for visiting The Cigar Library. We hope you find The Cigar Library valuable and enjoy exploring the world of cigars through our platform. Happy browsing!